T3 – VALIS, Philip K. Dick

Valis instalation

jenna schwartze

Objective: build forms or structures relating to the writings of Philip K. Dick. The ideas need to be represented into three dimensional figures. Have fun, invest in the content, and allow yourself to think abstractly.

For my interpretation of the reading, I built three installations focusing around the concept of a mystical experience, a divine being and a beam of light. I experimented with space and how objects can exist, how light interacts with shadow and how different materials and textures can be used to enhance light/shadow play.

My first installation is made out of paper. It is suspended from the ceiling, then secured to the wall. The use of folds and movement of the paper allowed shadows and forms to be formed within the piece itself. For this installment, I wanted to embrace the idea of space and how one can interact with it. A subtle pink light is…

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